Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Easter!!

Well I know I am late but Happy Easter to everyone. Tell me how was your easter? I spent my easter weekend doing alot of driving. Me and my wife drove to California to attend an impromptu birthday/easter party. Her father was turning 50 so we drove to Bakersfield, California to visit. It is a long drive to her parents from our house so needless to say the drive alone wore me out. We came home monday morning at 12:20 just in time for me to get ready for work and to post a few things on the AH. The party for her dad was nice just a small family and friend get together, You know how those go good company, better food. The food was so good my dog decided to stand under the grill where they were slicing the Lamb and licked the drippings up and in the process got herself covered in them. So I removed her collar and threw her in the pool, she was not a happy camper but she wasn't covered in grease. Come to find out her ears still reek of lamb juice, She has big hairy floppy ears and anything she drinks generally gets all over them which isn't a problem normally since she generally just drinks water. Well the party was fun the 500+ mile drive home afterwards was not. But we got home safe and the time spent with the Fam was nice.

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