Thursday, April 5, 2007

Girls Night Out or In?

Today my wife told me that next friday she is having some of her girlfriends over for a girls night of movies. She then preceded to tell me that I could stay and hang out if I wanted. Now tell me this does any male out there actually want to hangout with his wife and three of her friends watching movies? Now granted I know two of these girls and they are cool but I'm not sure if I really want to hangout and just listen to them gab about girl stuff. I love my wife but sometimes more than one girl on a couch can be a little much. So my wife asks me what are you gonna do then and I told her I was either gonna go watch a movie (Grindhouse is out) or stay in the corner on my computer and play WoW. She said I couldn't do that cause she doesn't want people to know I play WoW. I knew she hated that game but jeez she wants to hide the fact that I am a nerd from the entire world.


Lance said...

I may do that big sweater with hood pulled up so they can't see me I will blend right in I am in the Military after all.

Jesse Petersen (CF Fatboy) said...

Maybe you should ask Snow to give her a call and tell her the REAL facts of life: caring geeks make the best husbands. We know a lot and take good care of them.

Lance said...

I might just do that, But I will give snow a few weeks to get on the mend.

Anonymous said...

haha..i know where your coming from..sorta, my SOON to be wife HATES the game lol. the only time i get to actually play is when she is at work..thank god she works different hours than i do, or i'd never get to play. like tonight, she works until 10.i get off at the time i get home, thats 5 1/2 hours to game time...ample enough to level up a couple of times if i'm quick about it...

But i'd say "hunny..if you dont want them knowing i play wow..i'l ljust move the computer into another room and they wont even notice...unless i'm using team speak, and i get pissed off and start yelling, you can just say i'm watching a movie and when retarded things happen, i get mad.." :)

i'm in the military Lance is short for Lance Cpl? Marines/army? (navy myself..)

seeya around Azeroth!

Lance said...

Hey everyone thanks for stopping by. No losse Lance is my first name I am in the Air Force. I just got on Teamspeak the other day. No headset yet so the guy that let me on it just talks to me and I type answers back to him Its a little odd but I will get a headset soon.

Me and my wife also work different shifts but my awake time is right when she comes home so I lose alot of sleep just so I can play for a few hours a week.